The ‘Pay a DVLA fine’ service – it’s gone from beta to live!

The service helps customers to put things right as simply as possible if they’ve had a fine, and it’s successfully passed the 18 service standards for government digital services on GOV.UK.

Providing customers with this simple to use, direct route also speeds up the recovery of vehicle tax owed.

In-house technology rules ok

More recently, DVLA’s in-house team has further enhanced the service so customers can pay all major fine types digitally. Once a customer pays their fine the service updates immediately, closes down the enforcement case and links directly into the DVLA’s ‘Tax your vehicle’ service. Customers can also request an email receipt.

Facts and figures…

Since the service went into public beta in September 2017 DVLA had some interesting stats:

  • around £1.8m in fines has been collected through the service
  • 46% of payments have been made outside office hours (the service is available 24/7)
  • 45% of payments are made on a tablet or smartphone
  • an increase of £736,447.79 in fines paid online in December 2017 (compared to December 2016)
  • fewer calls to our Contact Centre to pay the fine as people switch to online – 70% of people are now using the online service instead

Read the full blog here: