The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has communicated that the V11 is changing from January 2019. Customers whose tax expires on 31 January 2019 will receive the new style V11.


DVLA has reviewed the V11 tax reminder letter and found it to be very text heavy and lacking in clear focus and structure. This led to their customers not understanding what they needed to know and do.

What has DVLA done

Using customer feedback and insight DVLA has made the form simpler and easier to understand. They created multiple versions of the form, then tested and evaluated each version before producing the new V11.

The new V11 is split into three sections, the:

• top third shows the keeper’s name and address, vehicle registration and tax expiry date

• middle part gives the customer the option, to pay the vehicle tax, register it off road or declare they no longer have the vehicle

• last section gives the option to tax online, by phone or at a Post Office.

DVLA branding and colour has been used throughout the document. They have also taken the opportunity to change the V11D template which will be discontinued. This will be replaced by the V11Z, for vehicles attracting a nil rate of tax.

Please email to request a copy of the DVLA’s document.