In July, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced they started work to improve the way they collect data from firms and their plans to move to a new platform for their data collection systems, including replacing Gabriel, their current online system.

Understanding your feedback

FCA held events in London, Manchester, and Edinburgh and explored how their proposed improvements to the new system would address the key feedback themes raised by Gabriel users in the survey.

The survey highlighted 3 key areas for improvement. The events provided an opportunity to discuss changes FCA will be making to: accessibility, notifications, the look and feel of the system, and automated saving of data.

FCA is building the new system in such a way that they will be able to make more frequent improvements after its launch, to “continue to respond to user feedback”.

Moving to the new platform

During the events, FCA shared its proposal for moving over 120,000 users and data from over 52,000 firms to the new system. FCA will communicate in good time before any action is required by firms and other Gabriel users to start using the new system.

Keeping the dialogue open

It is important to FCA that their plans for replacing Gabriel take user feedback into account. They will continue to communicate and involve firms and other Gabriel users in their plans for delivering and improving the new system for data collections.