In July 2021 the European Commission (EC) released its ‘Fit for 55’ package. The package consists of 13 legislative proposals altogether aiming at aligning EU climate and energy policies with new climate targets set by the recently adopted Climate Law: a CO2-emission reduction of at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, and climate neutrality by 2050. The announced package further aims at reviewing the content of several existing pieces of EU legislation that have major impact on the well-functioning of the entire automotive value chain, including the automotive retail and repair sector represented by the Alliance of European Car Dealers and Repairers (AECDR). Parts of this highly important legislation that is currently being reviewed include the Regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for new cars and vans as well as the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) proposed to become the AFIR.

The shift to clean mobility must include various fuel types

While AECDR acknowledges the efforts made by the EC to transfer the ambitious climate objectives of the new climate law into a comprehensive legislative package (‘Fit for 55’), European car dealers and repairers are concerned that the one-tech-only approach - where battery electric vehicles are promoted exclusively – may diminish the size and complexity of the challenges in this transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). In its position paper, AECDR highlights the risks of an EV-only approach in EU policymaking. These include risks for private and commercial users, for the automotive distribution industry, and for the EU.

AECDR calls for an ambitious yet realistic approach to the transition towards climate-neutral mobility in Europe

Through a number of recommendations to EU policy makers, via its newly published Position Paper, AECDR urges EU policy makers to approach the ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives with a realistic and comprehensive strategy that recognizes and includes all technologies (EVs, FCEVs and, especially for commercial vehicles, also ICEVs) as well as various fuel types (electricity, renewable and low-carbon fuels such as hydrogen, biomethane, e-fuels, etc.), which are all effectively able to contribute to the decarbonization of mobility in Europe

Please download the full AECDR’s Position Paper here: